Tuesday, March 22, 2011

She says this..

So today was an absolutely amazing day! The weather was semi decent- I Dear Weather'd :) I got a small work out in, showered, and then my day really began. For those of you who don't know who Taylor Mali is.. SHAME ON YOU! Go look him up right now on youtube or anything! Read his poetry and especially watch him perform it. He is absolutely amazing.

But, tonight I was given the amazing opportunity to have dinner with him, some Butler COE faculty and another student. I also got to see him perform at Butler University in Indianapolis for free. Not only was dinner at one of my new favorite restaurants, Binkley's, but the conversation was hysterical. It was so nice to meet this idol I had built up in my mind, and discover he was really as awesome as he seemed! He told some dirty jokes, and one about the new "that's what she said" which is apparently "like my sex." He told us about a Russian friend who every time he tried to say that's what she said always said "she says this." He really is as funny in general conversation as he is in his poetry. We discussed the difference between "nerds" and "geeks." Declared a nerd of the day. He told us about his wife, and his late wife. He was just this normal guy who was looking to try to make a difference in the world.. One 8th grader at a time. It was so inspiring.

At the performance he did some of his most famous pieces, and most romantic. He stole my glasses off of my face as a prop haha. He told the audience he had the poem memorized, but it just looks better when he's reciting it if he has a book and glasses. So he walk right up to me (sitting in the 2nd seat in the first row) and reached for the glasses I was wearing. He looked right through them, and told me I must be blind as a bat. It's a good thing he had that thing memorized! He told an awful joke about Easter that was hysterical. He made a remark that was a perfect "she said this" line and so I said, "she says this" lol and he laughed and then shared the joke with the rest of audience. Finally, at the end of the night after all the merchandise he brought had been sold, and after everyone else got their pictures with him and his autographs it was my turn.

He was so real and genuine when talking with my friend and I. He personalized an inscription in his book I already owned, took pictures with us, and gave us advice for when we become a teachers. He joked around with us like he's known us forever. It was AWESOME! The weather was so nice when I came out of the performance I almost walked home. Had it not been dark, and 10pm I would have lol

I feel like such a little kid :) But, it was so much fun!! If anyone ever gets the chance to see him perform I would strongly recommend it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blood isn't always thicker than water

You always hear the phrase "Blood is thicker than water" but I'm not really sure how true that is.. The people that have always been there for me in my life aren't all family, and some of my family hardly seem to care what I do. Yesterday was a big reminder of this. I found out some semi shocking news about a family member, and just did not know what to do. I thought, "You have got to be kidding me? We're family.. Families are supposed to share big news, not hide it."

I spent half of the day crying, and the other half of the day trying to decide if I wanted to cry or if I wanted to scream. All day long though I just wanted to forget that the whole thing had ever happened. But, the best part about my day was that the people who truly are close to me, and care about me were there for me. They didn't have to say are you ok? They knew I wasn't. They didn't have to say anything really. They knew just sitting on the phone with me helped, or that telling me about rehearsal would help keep my mind off it. They are my life lines. Another person invited me over for dinner with their family hoping to keep my mind busy. It was so nice to feel so surrounded by people that care when the one person I wanted to care reminded me once again that they don't.

So for everyone that thinks they have it tough, and that nothing works out for them- just think about the person you call when things get rough. Remind yourself that you could be going through these rough times with out them. Be thankful for the friends, and family that support you. Not everyone has someone to lean on.

Thank you Trevor for always being my rock. Thank you Chris and Shelby for always being such amazing friends. Thank you to the Hochmans for inviting me for dinner. And, the biggest thank you goes to my mother, Shelley, who has always been there for me and supported me no matter what. You're my best friend, and I'm so thankful I have the most amazing mom in the world. I couldn't have gotten through yesterday without any of you.